Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 24 - Beautiful

Day 24 – I am getting to my post a little late tonight. I know how you wait with baited breath in anticipation of what God has taught me. 

I am always in awe of beauty around me. Whether it is a beautiful thing, wonderful creation or the beauty that shines through someone especially if they have the Holy Spirit living within, I am amazed by how awesome God is and how creative he is. I think we are naturally attracted to that beauty especially if the Holy Spirit is in someone. It is hard not to feel that love radiating. God did say they would know us by our love.

Today’s mile was longer than I had hoped. I was a bit weary from the day and tired from lack of sleep but so looking forward to my time with God doing the mile. I started to daydream in order to pass the time about what Heaven would be like. I was imagining flowers, creatures and items that I had never seen before. I was picturing the most beautiful music and praises. I was thinking about colors that we couldn’t begin to describe. We can get a mental image, but we have NO clue what is in store. He even says:

I Corinthians 2:9 says:

9However, as it is written:
"No eye has seen,
no ear has heard,
no mind has conceived
what God has prepared for those who love him

Our understanding of beauty is often what we can see, and more often than not, what we see in the mirror. Sure, we can see beautiful things around us but it is different than how we judge our own beauty. I have talked with so many girls and women along the way who do not see themselves as beautiful. Truth is that women are just little girls inside that have matured enough to fool some people. We still fight the same insecurities that we did when we were little just on a different level. Ladies (sorry gentlemen), stop buying into the lies. God made you and created you so special. While we can’t imagine what things will be like in Heaven, we can clearly see beautiful things around us. Guess what, we are the most beautiful of all. God does not make mistakes and he clearly has YOU here for a purpose. You are precious in his sight. Don’t lose sight of that as you start to question your age, your weight, or whether others like you. While our external beauty starts to fade, I truly believe the inner beauty just starts to blossom daily with such an incredible fragrance of Jesus. Suddenly the outside doesn’t matter anymore.

I love roses and part of why I love them is because I enjoy watching them slowly fan out. They start as a small bud and it is fascinating to sit and look at how each petal gently folds into the next one and perfectly blossoms into a gorgeous bloom. God took so much time to make the simplest thing like a flower to be beautiful. Don’t you think He took even more time to really focus on you? When you go to breathe, do you have to think about it? No, that is automatic and God made you to be able to do that. God gave you a brain and a heart to think and feel. How beautiful is that? Finally, He gave you the option to choose Him or not. Can you imagine doing that with your children? “Ok son, I have given you everything and I love you – now you can choose whether you want me to be your mom or not.” Not a totally fair comparison but you get the point. How could we not choose Him when He so clearly has given us EVERYTHING?

So, next time you see something beautiful, stop and thank God for how much time and care he took in creating you. Thank Him for making you beautiful. Imagine that place that he has prepared for us and dream along with me. I can’t wait!

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