Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 52 – Check Engine

Day 52 – I started the car this morning to take my girls to school and the check engine light came on. In the last few days, the check fuel cap sign kept coming on so I was hoping that would fix it. I got out of the car, released and reattached the gas cap and alas that was not the solution. Bummer! Like I have time to go to take my car into the shop?! Of course, who does?

As I went throughout the day, I kept hoping that light would turn off but it didn't. What struck me as I kept driving hoping my car wouldn't break down as my husband is out of town, is that we often need a checkup. I'm not talking health. Just as our car needs oil and needs periodic tune-ups, so does our heart. If we put the wrong oil in our car, it can stop working and even damage the engine. If we don't give our car a tune-up every once in awhile, we might miss something that is impacting the engine and then the car can stop working the right way. We work the same way. If we are putting the wrong things into our heart and mind, we can start chugging and stop being effective or working for God. There are times when we need God to check our heart and run a scan to help us run efficiently.

Jeremiah 17:10

10 "I the LORD search the heart
       and examine the mind,
       to reward a man according to his conduct,
       according to what his deeds deserve."

We are blessed to have God to examine our heart and tell us if we are putting the wrong things in it. He is the only way to keep running and working for him. Without it, we will end up on the side of the road broken down and without a tow truck.

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