Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 53 – Hard Work

Day 53 – I have often wondered why I am going through this 100 day exercise other than to grow closer to God. I have often asked why – not that I have received an answer per se but I definitely have been curious as to the grand plan and if there is something wonderful at the end of this.

Truth is, the wonderful part has already been evident by seeing God in everyday items. I really try not to overlook the most mundane things as being a possible message from God for that day. Today, I worked on my kitchen (again) and didn't even stop for lunch. I am so exhausted from painting, sanding, cleaning and lifting heavy furniture that I can hardly see a message clearly. I guess I would walk away from today clearly knowing that hard work is necessary to reach our goals and more importantly God's mission.

I don't know why I question because my thought process really shouldn't enter into why God may or may not ask me to do something. Not that I shouldn't think about it but ultimately, He has reasons for having us go through trials, walk through fire, or celebrate.

The irony in today is that I opened up and it had the following verse as the verse of the day:

Isaiah 55:8-9

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."-

So I am back to not questioning and just listening to the clear leadings that the Lord has for me every day. I will not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow has enough worry in itself. May we all be blessed with hearing God so clearly in our day to day walk.

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